JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Mwaka Inspects Pader CM Court

The Resident Judge Kitgum High Court, Hon. Justice Phillip Mwaka visited Pader Chief Magistrates Court for routine inspection. 

The Judge was accompanied by the Court's Deputy Registrar, Kitgum HW Aisia Suzan.

The Judge and Deputy Registrar were received by Magistrate Grade I Pader, HW Ongwee Stanislaus Okello. 

The Resident Judge and Deputy Registrar commended the Court leadership for customizing the client charter and translating it into Acholi for all users to note.

Hon. Justice Mwaka proceeded to hold a meeting with the Magistrate Grade One and Senior Resident State Attorney Pader, Mr Muzige Amuza to discuss how to better handle customary land matters.

The Judge inspected the exhibit store, the archives and applauded the level of hygiene at the court.

Posted 2nd, May 2024
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